This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • Limit the number of characters in Termbase fields

    • Under Community Review on
    Make it possible to limit the number of characters for a given field, e.g. approver's initials = max 4 characters, etc.

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    HI. Since you can check on something that you previously created in the cloud (and therefore is synchronized with your other devices of course) it may be reasonable to also think it the other way around. Like if by now everywhere you can load things on...
  • World Server wsxz packages in Trados Team

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi Team, We would appreciate it if it was possible to directly open World Server wsxz packages in Trados Team, without having to extract the XLIFFs. The workaround wastes unnecessary time, and frankly beats the purpose of the cloud for us. Looking...
  • Adding the "custom" fields to the Add A New Translation Unit pop-up window

    • New on
    Currently, when we add a translation unit directly into the TM (for example for a quick one-phrase request), we have to do it in 2 steps if we want that unit to also have metadata such as Requestor, project name or any other information that we usually...
  • Autocomplete when selecting a project template during project creation

    • Planned for Future Release on
    • 1 Comment
    When creating a project in Trados Live, there is no autocomplete in the Project Template field. When you have lots of templates to choose from, it's not convenient to select the template from a long list. It would be nice to have autocomplete like in...
  • Online Editor 検索パネル表示設定

    • New on
    Online Editorで翻訳を確定すると、それまで検索パネルに表示されていた他の候補が表示されなくなってしまいます。 Trados Studioでは「100%一致が見つかった場合でもあいまい一致を検索する」という設定があるので、 Online Editorでもこのような機能を追加していただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。
  • [Customer Portal] Function for linguists to request PMs to change due dates

    • Duplicate on
    In Trados Team, project managers can directly change due dates but linguists cannot. However, if a specified due date for a production project is not feasible, the linguist will need the function to negotiate with the PM for an extension, preferably...
  • [Customer Portal] Function for linguists to request PMs to change due dates

    • Duplicate on
    In Trados Team, project managers can directly change due dates but linguists cannot. However, if a specified due date for a production project is not feasible, the linguist will need the function to negotiate with the PM for an extension, preferably...
  • A field in termbase that's visible only to specific users

    • Under Community Review on
    Make it possible to hide certain info from linguists and make it visible only to in-house users. Use cases, e.g.: Confidential contact info (about who approved a given term) Technical info (not confidential but useless/confusing to regular users...
  • Restrict characters that can be entered in Termbase fields

    • Under Community Review on
    Make it impossible to enter certain characters in Termbase fields, e.g.: For any language: nbsp, 0-width nbsp, leading/trailing/double space, etc. Language-specific: not allowed characters for a given language (e.g. certain types of apostrophes...