Under Community Review

Add new notification options for notifications within Trados


although it might be interesting to get notifications, some notifications might be unwanted.

Right now, you get notifications for every post and update of a given forum if you subscribed to it.

It’s good to get notifications about new Ideas, but not being spammed for every single update and comment on such ideas:

- add an option only to get notifications about new ideas (only posting of the idea) and

- add an option to get only further notifications (one new option for each of these: comments are made on, the status changes on ideas) to ideas if you commented on that idea (instead of I’m subscribed to)

- add an option to get only further notifications (one new option for each of these: comments are made on, the status changes on ideas) to ideas if you upvoted that idea (instead of I’m subscribed to)

Best regards,



    One idea would be for you to use the options in the community as this is where the controls are.  It makes no sense at all to put these in Studio as they are very detailed and wide ranging.  You may find you can achieve what you need in there.  Studio will use whatever settings you implemented for your profile.

    Just go to your image in the top right of the community, click on Settings... for example:

    Dropdown menu under a user profile image with options including Profile, Settings, Change password, Leave the Community, and Sign out. A red arrow points to Settings.

    Then the Notifications tab and configure to your hearts content:

    Settings page with tabs for Options, Email Digests, and Subscriptions. A red arrow points to the Notifications tab. Various notification settings with checkboxes are visible.

  • Hi ,

    Yes, but how many users know they can change these settings there especially as they get notifications in Trados and not via mail? I would be good to add a hint/link in Trados in notification pane to where users can change these settings. Furthermore although the settings in community are quite widespread, I still miss some settings as explained in my post).

    e.g. right now I’m automatically subscribed to new posts in specific categories but I don’t want that at all. I want to get notified about the new idea but NOT get all replies to it unless I add a reply to that idea.

    Best regards,


  • Hi ,

    Yes, but how many users know they can change these settings there especially as they get notifications in Trados and not via mail? I would be good to add a hint/link in Trados in notification pane to where users can change these settings. Furthermore although the settings in community are quite widespread, I still miss some settings as explained in my post).

    e.g. right now I’m automatically subscribed to new posts in specific categories but I don’t want that at all. I want to get notified about the new idea but NOT get all replies to it unless I add a reply to that idea.

    Best regards,



    If users can find the options in Studio here (and I am very sceptical they do) then they already have some help and clearly don't use them:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio menu with an arrow pointing to 'Notifications' under the 'RWS Community' dropdown in the 'Help' tab.

    That link takes you here:

     How to receive e-mail notifications for new posts and replies on your forum posts 

    That explains how to make the changes.  This is 100% a community thing and users will have to set them up in the their profile in the community and we should not start attempting to replicate some vert complex UI in an area of Studio  most users never use anyway.  I can recall delivering some training sessions at the ATA in the US some years ago and spent time showing users on the course how to find all the things they said we didn't have.  The response was more or less "we will never look there for help, we just use google if we need help and it it's not there we ask in the community or email anyone we know."  That doesn't fill me personally with the desire to see valuable resource wasted on adding more into the Help menu than is already there.  Maybe  will feel different.

    If you are not seeing the options you want then the ONLY place this will ever get addressed, even if we were to add something in Studio, would be the Community, and this will very likely require cooperation from Verint who provide the Telligent platform we use for the community.  So I suggest you ask for this one in the Community ideas section here:  Ideas/ERs 

    I think there are already ideas in there for things around more granularity for notifications... better to vote for those or add your own in there.