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Quickload saved filters - toggle on/off - hotbuttons


Saving filter is a great option specially when you combine a few filter.

But it's a pain always to import those again in Trados. In daily business i use @@ for terms that i have to lookup later or have to contact the customer for questions which i could not find out. When using Transit NXT for other customers i have the opportunity to save those filters and reactivate them within a few clicks. Some of these filters are only for this project and others are global (so i only had to define them once). It would be a great thing to have like a 10 button 1click setup for defining my own filters which i could customize for my needs with filters.

Transit NXT Video mentiond - start at 09:00min - how filters are handled within this program.
Engl. Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vthjEkLHPg4
Deutsche Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqwHSuq5hSQ

Thanks for considering in further updates.

Kind regards

Oswald Schneider

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