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  • Proactive issues & solutions notifications to end users

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi all, We only recently became aware of an issue whereby TermBases being included within our Studio Project Packages were not working properly (no automatic term recognition, only term search). We then were made aware that this issue had been reported...
  • Offer unmerge option for physically merged files

    • Under Community Review on
    When you create a new project with translated SDLXLIFF files, you can choose to physically merge the added SDLXLIFF files during project creation wizard. This is being done so that In-Country-Reviewers on the client side can review a few bilingual DOCX...
  • Search Tool - 02

    • Under Community Review on
    This Problem when searching a word with Search Tool Window. Fact: When the text segment has more rows, the found word will shown as last row (bottom of the window) when serching forwards or first row (top of the window) when searching backwards. Problem...
  • Copy-Paste + Shift with mouse not installed

    • Under Community Review on
    Problem: When you want to copy a text from source to target, you need to do CTRL+c and CTRL+v instead of shifting the text with CTRL+mouse. This function isn't installed :-(
  • Filter development and cloud based filter distribution

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    A filter development group with cloud based automated distribution would be a great tool for clients and internal users alike. Can we initiate a service for Clients that pay for gold level service and above where they could submit files for filter development...
  • Option for including the MultiTerm database in the return package

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be great if me as a project manager could decide to activate an option when creating a package making the translator include the termbase in the return package. An option for the translator to decide himself would be also helpful, I think.
  • Overall project progress indicator bar

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear Developer staff, I would have a little idea for Trados Studio:the overall project progress indicator bar showing progress in % in the projects view. I can track the progress in the individual files, though if there is a large number of files...
  • Search Tool

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    When searching the found Text is only highlighted but not maked - For example: After the Search Tool find a word, you have to doubleclick it, bevor you can delete, wirte something else ecc.
  • Allow Batch Task API to run on source SDXLIFF file

    • Under Community Review on
    When you try to run the Batch Task API on a source SDLXLIFF file, all the references to Segment objects returns null. It would be great if we could modify the source segments before copying the SDXLIFF file to the target folder.
  • Multi term: different search settings for every multi term database instead of a global setting for all

    • Under Community Review on
    When using more than one multiterm, sometimes you need to set the minimum match value to 100% (e.g. for display texts). But with the standard terminology I would set it to 70 % zo 80 %. So I think it would be helpful having the opportunity to set the...