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  • Adding footnote - translator's remark

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently Studio only handles footnotes if they are included in the source file. However, sometimes translator wants to include a footnote in the document, which explains something in more details, expands more on the chosen terminology etc. It would...
  • Improve Find&Replace to retain segment number

    • Under Community Review on
    It's time to drop this ancient method of how Studio presently handles find&replace - a function every translator uses CONSTANTLY, especially when working with machine translations. Studio should not throw us to a random segment after finding and replacing...
  • Drag and drop files to existing project in Studio 2019

    • Under Community Review on
    It appears you cannot drag and drop files to an existing project in Studio 2019 to avoid the steps of switching to target and copying to target langs. And to benefit from this new feature you have to add files through the browsing window. Can the...
  • Upgrade assistant

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Fear of upgrading the Studio to a newer version is quite common. This is mainly because of issues with licensing (deactivating and activating licenses) and moving resources. There is the Migration assistant, but it does not solve the problem for less...
  • Due Date in New Project wizard should always start with current date and next full hour

    • Under Community Review on
    When setting up a project with the New Project Wizard, the Due Date field should always have the current date and next full hour as the default (pre-set) value instead of some random date in the past (even if the template was based on a project with a...
  • Highlight upLIFT segments in Editor window

    • Under Community Review on
    The upLIFT feature is handy but I have noticed that it results in a significant upturn in the number of minor errors slipping through during translation because the changes are only marked in the Segment Matches window but not the editor window, so the...
  • Tagging or pinning individual projects in Projects view

    • Under Community Review on
    I miss the possibility to tag or pin one or more projects in the Projects view. Sometimes I have to pause working on a large project to finish several minor projects and it can be tricky to find the large project again in the Projects window. It could...
  • Editor -> Mark segments and show only marked ones

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be useful to have the possibility to mark segments and filter them at the end, so you see only the marked segments. Maybe by ticking a box in the segment number field and/or by short-cut. This way you could just make it easy to go through these...
  • Enable Studio data to be stored e.g. under %APPDATA%\Roaming instead of "My Documents"

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, Studio stores data under "%userprofile%\documents\Studio 2017". We need to store this data somewhere under "%APPDATA%" in our multi-user environment. It needs to be able to use custom paths to store this data (via configuration). From our...
  • Different behaviour of "Control + Down" needed

    • Under Community Review on
    I think that the function "Move to next segment" (Control + Down) is not working as needed. When I review my own (already confirmed) translation in the Editor, I need a way to quickly move to the next segment without confirming anything, especially for...