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  • Moving QuickInsert from "FileType"...

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, So far, QuickInsert functionality is defined separately for each file type, which is ok, but it may create problems, when the respective filter does not allow you to define QuickInsert at all, for whatever reason. For ex., the current version of...
  • Move down the right tabs in the Editor

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    When you want to close the translation file in the EDITOR or File View by clicking on x on the right side near the tabs such as Useful Tips, Preview etc. the window of the tab near the x button for closing the file opens if you move the mouse too far...
  • Group multiple tag pairs when inserting with a shortcut

    • Under Community Review on
    For example, currently, if there are many tag pairs before and after a phrase only 1 of them is inserted with a shortcut (Ctrl+, or Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow) and one has to repeat the procedure for the 2nd pair.
  • Fields from alignment

    • Under Community Review on
    When I save an alignment result as sdlxliff and then open this file in the Studio editor, I see in the fields “Origin” and “Provider” that the TU comes from alignment. Can you please enable adding this information also when importing the *.sdlalign file...
  • Kudos in Studio's standard TQA

    • Under Community Review on
    In the standard TQA functionality of Trados Studio, it is currently not possible to give Kudos. Scoring settings only allow positive values (0-999), meaning you can only deduct points, not award. I suppose a simple solution would be to allow negative...
  • Cross-file fuzzy match leverage

    • Under Community Review on
    A much needed option. If there are several files in the project, they can be quite similar and can not only have cross-file repetitions, but also have cross-file fuzzy matches, i.e. a translated segment from one file may be a 99% match for a segment in...
  • Being able to adjust the InDesign CS4-CC IDML filter in order to create a Regex for treating product codes as untranslatable text

    • Under Community Review on
    I would like to define product codes (these always follow the principle LLLNNNN, so 3 capital letters following 4 numbers for example PIL4040) as non-translatable text. I think this could be done by creating a Regex to when converting to xliff Trados...
  • SDL Studio 2017 – Return Packages – Adding extra files

    • Under Community Review on
    Good morning/afternoon, what about the opportunity to insert extra files when creating a Return Package (e.g. final translated files in their original format in the [target language] folder or any other extra file)? This will avoid to load/add them...
  • Terminology Verifier

    • Duplicate on
    Apparently, when running the term verifier in Studio, only one termbase can be considered. How to proceed when the two termbases in the project need to be checked? Please enable this!
  • Override Open Package Wizard

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We often receive several packages for a single project (today one project had 20 packages.) I want to put each package into a subfolder, and currently I can only do it by going through the Open Package Wizard which requires quite some clicking and time...