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  • Recognized terms in MultiTerm not underlined in red curly lines in Target

    • Under Community Review on
    Recognized terms in MultiTerm should not be underlined in red curly lines in Target. For example, if bypass is recognized in the Term Recognition Window, it'd help to be more productive if bypass is not underlined just because it's not recognized by...
  • Take tags into considering in word count/analysis

    • Under Community Review on
    It happens very often that I get a high match, 98% for example in which the text is very similar, even identical, but there are several tags. It obviously takes time to put those tags in, and as often as not it is simpler to copy source to target and...
  • Do not update TM with locked segments

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be nice to be able to select not to update the TM with locked segments.
  • Adapting automatic suggestions to the case being typed

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    • 1 Comment
    AutoSuggest (and similar) functions are currently unable to adapt their suggestions to the case required by the translator. For example, it will suggest "ASSIGnment" when the translator is half-way through attempting to type full-caps "ASSIGNMENT".
  • Make project templates published on Groupshare available in Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be great to use project templates published on Groupshare in Studio. It will make easier to handle project creation among several PMs and make GS single source of project templates. Right now each PM has different set of project templates in...
  • Shift F3 to include title case

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Toggling through shift F3 will go through various case options, all upper case, title case (not real title case because it just capitalizes all first letters) and all lower case. It would be nice if a sentence case was also included (i.e. first letter...
  • InDesign preview

    • Under Community Review on
    There needs to be a way to preview InDesign files processed by WorldServer in both WorldServer and Trados Studio
  • Tab delimited as a file type to be imported in SDLTM

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    This should be very simple to achieve I believe. Please allow us to import Tab-delimited files in the TM import dialogue, to avoid having to go to Glossary converter to convert it to TMX first. Thanks Sameh Ragab
  • TermBase Context-Aware Search

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi there, Contextually exact term is recognized and displayed in the Term Recognition window in the Editor view based on word sense disambiguation technology like the following: Improving Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Machine Translationwith Sense...
  • Show Pages for Search in potential duplicates

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I whish for the same navigation options like In "search entire TM" : see the number of pages and go back and forth in the pages. That would allow to stop the work in potential duplicates and to find later the page where I stoped. In the current version...