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  • Auto-save function for Draft Space

    • New on
    To prevent losing topic and map edits when Draft Space aborts unexpectedly, we need an auto-save function.
  • Improvements for adding resources in the Web Client

    • Under Community Review on
    In the web client, the user would like to be able to multi-select the resources. Current behavior in 14sp3 is a select one resource click Add, then select resource two and click Add. It would be nice it they could click 5 in the same set of resources...
  • enhance permission management

    • Under Community Review on
    If a user has read/write access at the language level, that user can delete the language object before it's added to a publication. My suggestion is to enhance the administrative abilities to better dictate the user role allowed to delete objects.
  • Add Option to Select Language in Draft Online

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    The Draft Online option does not allow users to select the language to edit the publication content. The Review Online option, however, does allow the language selection option for users to choose a language. The only way content authors can edit translated...
  • Default option for exporting all metadata fields

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, as far as I know, we have to specify each and every metadata field we want to include in exports, using the XML Background Task settings. However, this can get pretty tedious if we just want to export everything as is so that we can then import...
  • Change icon color of topics on the Publication Manager tree view

    • Under Community Review on
    To identify shared topics, we are adding specific prefix to the topic's object name. For example, topic's object name are: +1ATSO(Con)Safe operation +1ATSO(Con)General precautions My idea is that enhance Publication Manager to be able to change...
  • Automatic baseline synchronization between publications for translated manuals

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We usually translate one manual into a bunch of languages. We publish multiple language manuals from one publication by specifying 'Language combination' for each language. We don't create a publication for each language. Because it is difficult to maintain...
  • Configure the Pub Manager Autocomplete behavior in the TD installation

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Our team doesn't use the default baseline behavior in Pub Manager - AutocompleteWithLatest. Normally, we configure this locally by setting the behavior to None on the local machine. This enables us to work on several pub version simultaneously. This...
  • Duplicate function on version level

    • Under Community Review on
    It seems there is no duplicate option on version level. Via the repository, it's possible to select duplicate via the context menu. This function always duplicates the latest version. If you select the three dots (...) in the left lower corner, and...
  • Draft Space: Publishing of documents

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    To view the changes in the PDF after editing the content in Draft Space, users have to locate the publication in the web client and publish the document. It would help users if there is an option to publish the documents from Draft Space.