On these tabs you can view, create and edit project jobs.
Translation jobs list is a standard job list, but shows only job of a currently viewed project:
From here you can double click any job to open it's editing form. To create a new job, click New, which is default way of creating entries in SDL BaccS. Job creation form will be opened. Also, above this table you will find Create jobs button. This button will create a number of empty jobs according to language pairs of a project. For example, if your project contains three target languages, and for one of those language a job is already created, then this command will create only two jobs for rest language pairs. New jobs will be numerated and their data will be filled from a project. Amounts and quantities will be zero, so you can manually add them (import from CAT tool) or do it in batch mode from the Translation job tasks tab:
This tab contains all tasks of all jobs from a current project, grouped by translation job and language pair. In addition, this table supports inline editing, which means that you can make direct changes in this table without opening separate job editing forms (of course, you can make changes only in displayed columns). However, you can still open full job editing form from a Translation jobs tab.
Note. Sometimes you may select a cell with drop-down button, and then immediately select this drop-down button. Instead of expanding drop-down list, the system may open job editing form, if you made two clicks too fast and it was determined as double click, not separate single clicks. In such situations, make a short pause before expanding drop-down list.
From here, you can not only edit all tasks, but apply batch changes to all jobs, by clicking Add a new service to all jobs and Add a new service to the selected job buttons. Click Add a new service to all jobs to add the same tasks into all project jobs. A dialog will appear:
If volume differs from job to job, you will be able to edit it after clicking OK.
To add a task explicitly to one job, select any task which belongs to a desired job and click Add a new service to a selected job. Take a note that if a job does not contain any tasks, this button would not be available.