Please note that translation job list has a lot of columns which are hidden by default.
Other tables throughout the program also contain hidden columns which you may display, but the job list is an absolute leader in this area. It is recommended to check this list and display those data which may seem more important personally for you.
To show hidden columns, you can use List view customization feature.
Here is a description of some fields hidden by default in this list:
Amount per hour
When time tracking feature is used, this column will display amount earned per tracked hour.
Assigned volume
Weighted volume assigned to contractors.
Assigned amount
Amount in the base currency of all translation assignments created for this job.
Average volume
Weighted volume of a job.
Avg rate
Average price of a job.
Base quote
If a job was created from a quote, it shows a link to a base quote.
CAT Icon
When a job is linked with a CAT project (i.e. Trados), its icon will appear in the list, to visualize link and help to faster find jobs linked with CAT projects.
List of contractors assigned to a job.
Created at/by
Date of creation and user name.
Currency rate
Currency rate used in a job.
Date delivered
Date when job was marked as delivered.
Date of rejection
If job was cancelled, you can specify cancellation date.
Delivery method
Method of delivering final translation.
Edit time
Time spent on a job (in Days:Hours:Minutes format).
Edit time (minutes)
Job edit time expressed in minutes.
Has instructions
Check-box showing that a job has additional instructions entered in the corresponding field.
Invoiced amount
Amount of all invoices issued over a job (in the base currency).
Numbers of invoices created over a job.
In-work assignments
Number of assignments created over a job, which are still not delivered.
Difference between job amount and assigned amount (in the base currency).
Paid date
When a job is invoiced in full and all invoices are paid, this column shows date of last payment.
Estimation of a job progress. It may be detected using several algorithms. If a job is linked with CAT tool project, than progress value will be gathered from that project. Otherwise, if Workload planner feature is turned on, progress will be calculated based on day workload and workday start and end times. Otherwise, simple extrapolation method will be used. For jobs linked with GroupShare, this column will display progress of a current phase.
Number of items in checklist.
Uninvoiced amount
Job amount minus invoiced amount.
Volume per hour
Average speed based on Edit time value.