Error 1603 when installing and updating Studio 2015 / 2015 SR2 after Windows 10 migration

Hi everyone,

I'm dealing with a big issue when trying to install and/or update my version of SDL Trados Studio 2015, and I hope someone can help me resolve it.

Everything started when SDL Trados 2015 SR2 became available. I downloaded the updates from my account, and proceeded to install them as usual.
Unfortunately, the installation can't go through, displaying a "Could not find network location TT" error message.
All I can do then is abort the installation, which shows a 1603 error message.

I have kept working with my standard version, but since I had some free time a couple of days ago, I decided to give this another try.
As per instructions found in the SDL KB, I thought uninstalling my current version of Trados would help.
Except it really DIDN'T, and I received the same error messages when I tried to reinstall it.
So I was left with no software at all...

I have tried several "turnarounds" from the knowledge base, but none really helped with my case.

In the end, I was somehow able to manually reinstall the standard (as in non updated) version of Studio 2015, using the tips from this KB (I had to run the individual MSI files as administrator first, by adding the related command in the Windows registry).

I am now back to square one, using the non updated version of Trados 2015.
The problem is I'm not sure my manual installation will be stable over time, and I can't update the softwares I paid for.
(I haven't tried updating Multiterm, but I'm afraid the results will be the same).

Perhaps this is important to mention I have recently migrated from Windows 7 to Windows 10, since this seems to be a MSI/Windows installer problem.
Although, this is the only software I had trouble with since migrating.

Has anyone been confronted to this issue?

Thanks for your help,

Parents Reply
  • Hi,
    the "SDL Trados Legacy Compatibility Module" is an msi that actually has parts of sdlx and trados 2007 in it, to allow studio to work with this file types, and now is the only way these components are updated so it will have later bugfixed versions than in the "File Format Filter Update for SDLTrados 2007 Suite" so it should be safe to uninstall and replace with the latest "SDL Trados Legacy Compatibility Module" in the SR2 installer.

    it seems though that you dont have it installed currently (if your list is accurate) so your current studio 2014 and 2015 installs may not handle these files properly or be using older versions from the FFFU.

    I would uninstall "File Format Filter Update for SDLTrados 2007 Suite" and either install Studio 2014 or 2015 again from the full installer.

    David Watson
    Trados Development Team
