Multiterm Server termbase permission to eddit and add terms


I was reading the documentation about standard GS2017 roles and permissions and could not find the answer. The section I was checking was:

The need I have is the following: 

On GS2017 SR1  we have client client  specific Termabases.

Termbases are in the Client specific sub-organization,  not in Library. 

Users that should have nececary permissions to eddit terms or add them to the TB are defined uder Root organization of this GS 2017 server.

We want the selected user to be able to edit terms for specific Termabase even when termbase is not part of active project published on GS 2017 and managed by Project server - i.e. when we want to use only Multiterm Desktop client.

The questions are:

- what permissions on which resource type do I need to give to users, to edit terms only using Multiterm Desktop?

- can I use existin permision permission i.e. "Power user" or any other?

- what about creating a new Pemission  like "Multiterm Editor" 

And a more general question:

- what happens if a user is given "Translator" and "Power User" permission? Which one prevails.

Thank you


- if the user has "Power user"

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  • This is weird. Does it show this on the majority of the termbase? Usually no error message will show up if there are multiple permissions. 

    Can you send a screenshot?

    I'd say just create a new role for the people you want to edit TB and remove the old roles they were assigned.

  • The behavior is indeed wired. 

    I have a training TB, for which just can't get rid this status bar notice:
    "Termbase not editable. Source Language is Not Writable. Target language is not writable."

    User is added to the termbase, the permissions are set through a GS2017 permission group Multiterm Editor and by creating a copy of Expert user restriction in Multiterm administrator.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio with a status bar notice stating 'Termbase not editable. Source Language is Not Writable. Target Language is Not Writable.'

    I'll do some more test in next days to see if I can figure it out.


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    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:04 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • This post is just to add a bit of information if somebody else is struggling with permissions on Multiterm Server termbases. 

    I believe the issues experienced are caused by a "bug" or "bad design" of GroupShare Permissions module where default setting is that user permissions  can be assigned only relative to organizations and are expected to be inherited to Libraries.

    But this, at least for GS 2017 is not the case. 

    The fact that there  is a "bug" or  "application design issue" is  quite easy to spot.

    Resources > Termbases   

    then in the Filter dropdown box select the suborganization you want to look in. 

    In my example bellow, if I select Gamma I can see the termbases locate in the root of Gamma organization (there are none here) where I cannot see the termbases located in the Library named Terminology.

    Screenshot of Trados GroupShare showing the Resources tab with Termbases section highlighted, and the Filter dropdown box open displaying the Gamma organization without any termbases listed.

    The workaround here is to go to the Users unit, select the Permission and then click the Suborganization Library (highlighted yellow) for which you want to set the permissions. 

    Here you assign the required permissions to the user.  

    Screenshot of Trados GroupShare Permissions tab with the Gamma organization expanded to show the Terminology library highlighted in yellow, indicating the location to set user permissions.



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    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:05 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]