GS 2017 - Online Editor TM lookup is not working

When working in files on the Online Editor, TM lookups do not work.

The TMs are working fine when accessing projects from the Studio client.

The solution provided in KB 000009809 does not resolve the issue.

The solution provided in KB 000008133 does not apply (Mutliterm Online is not installed, no Apache and no redirect to port 8080).

Many thanks in advance for your insight.



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi ,

    Are there any clues in the GroupShare log files? The default location is C:\ProgramData\SDL\Service\Logs

    First I would open one of the files in Online Editor and move around between segments (where you should get matches, but don't). Then check the TMService.log and TMServiceAgent.log files in the above location to see if there are any errors or warnings, and post anything relevant here.

    Quick question - do you have different internal and external URLs that your translators use depending on whether they connect to the GS server from inside or outside your network?

    Kind regards,

  • @Nick Date

    Hi Nick,

    Several logs are written to when we connect – I have included the final entries of the following logs:


    2020-02-06 17:15:16.1015|XX-DMZXXXXXXXXX123|Warn|THREAD_ID:7|TR_ID:f4c11a97-c7ed-4166-b7be-87947c354a68|CONN_ID:cf2b7e17-bab3-4e5a-8209-390c6d5760a6|DOC_ID:6f244e38-cc7e-4135-bbfa-0712f847e25d|No resources available for lookups!


    2020-02-06 17:15:21.2735|XX-DMZXXXXXXXXX123|Warn|THREAD_ID:60|TR_ID:3115be88-1c32-48d3-a41a-01e054e02d7c|OTHER:WorkerId=db3eaf2f-cded-4430-b608-8eebac703dd0|Bearer lifetime was removed

    Although TMService.log did not write at the same time, I am including the final entry here:

    2020-02-06 10:48:47.0444|XX-DMZXXXXXXXXX123|Warn|THREAD_ID:28|TR_ID:c6b8b9fc-bf3a-4e44-ad2f-600526b14920|Translation Model Service call failed | Method:GET | | Status:404 Not Found | Content:

    Assume this last one is not relevant, but just in case:


    2020-02-06 17:16:19.457#Router.IssuedTokenRouter#Forwarding response version Soap11 ( AddressingNone (

    For your final query, we are currently testing internal users only, so the issue I believe is not (yet) relevant.

    Many thanks,


  • Hi ,

    The only other thing I can suggest is to change the AppParameters keys in the following locations of the Windows Registry, and then restart the GroupShare services (make sure you back up the registry keys first):

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SDL Feedback Service\Parameters\ :

    -XX:NewRatio=7 -Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Server\Feedback Service\gs-feedback-service.jar" --logging.file="C:\ProgramData\SDL\Service\Logs\gs-feedback-service.log" --server.port=41259 --gs.proxy.location=localhost --gs-management-service.ribbon.listOfServers=localhost --translation-memory-service.ribbon.listOfServers=localhost

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SDL Translation Service\Parameters\ :

    -XX:NewRatio=7 -Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Server\Translation Service\gs-translation-service.jar" --logging.file="C:\ProgramData\SDL\Service\Logs\gs-translation-service.log" --server.port=41258 --gs.proxy.location=localhost

    Note that this assumes that the web server and application server are the same. If they are not then use the FQDN of the application server instead of localhost. It also assumes that GroupShare is installed on drive C: so please adjust accordingly.

    If this still doesn't work, and your SMA contract covers this server (i.e. it is not a self-installation) then please log a case for SDL Support to investigate further. If it is a self-install then please contact your SDL account manager and request an SDL Professional Services consultancy.

    Kind regards,