Hi everyone,
we have recently upgraded from Groupshare 2017 (SR1 CU9) to GS 2019 (and moved to a different server at the same time) and have discovered that when importing a TMX into a new server based TM, the order of the Translation Units does not appear as in the original TMX but is completely shuffled. Even though this does not affect the translation process as such (as the structure of each TU stays the same), it does mess with our TM management and maintenance as we like to make sure when importing TMX files the that all segments were correctly imported, especially with manually aligned files (and we also process some TMX files to make them available in dtSearch which is only helpful when the order stays correct).
Even though we have a workaround by using local TMs, I was wondering if this is an issue for anybody else, as I did not find anything related in the community forums.
I have been in contact with support on this and I was asked to post on the community forum so that Development can respond here on this issue – as far as I am aware from what support told me, this was introduced by GS 2017 CU11 and in GS 2020 as part of some performance improvements and bug fixes and at the moment, this is how the TM engine is built.
reposting as question
[edited by: Lydia Simplicio at 12:09 PM (GMT 1) on 28 Jun 2022]