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Hi, since GroupShare 2020 SR1 I am getting (again) this message everytime I save a file (and Studio automatically uploads the file to the server).

It happens, I think, if I merge segments.

I thought this problem was fixed a long time ago, but apparently it "came back".

Has somebody else experienced this problem (again)?

Thanks and regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Radu

    I will do that, I wrote in the community because this is a well known behavior that was addressed and solved some time ago with one of the CUs of GS 2017, I think, I do not remember correctly. Maybe GS 2017 SR1. I just wanted to know if there were others who experience the same problem.

    There are a couple of "bugs" that have returned with Studio 2021 and I will post them in separate posts. Example: with the first Studio edition after Complete sign-off Studio would prompt a message saying that there are blocked segments and ask if you want to sign-off these segments, too, regardless if they were empty or not. After a while (I think it was Studio 2011 or 2014) the message came only if you had blocked segments that were not empty, which should be the right behaviour. Now with Studio 2021 you get again the message that there are blocked segments even if they are empty.

    Kind regards,

