Deleting existing users from SDL Trados GroupShare


I'm a project manager at a language provider. We use SDL Trados 2017 and GroupShare (serverbased TMs and term banks)

Even if I have administrative rights for my user on SDL GroupShare server, I can't delete old users.

When I select the user and click "delete" I get the following error message: "The underlying provider failed on Open".

Coud you assist me on this?

Kind regards

Mika Kirvesniemi

  • Dear Mika,

    Thank you for raising this question on the Trados GroupShare Communities forum.

    To better understand the issue you are dealing with, I will please ask you to attach some screenshots with that error message "The underlying provider failed to Open" from the GroupShare WebUI.

    Also, a screenshot with the same error message from the WebUI via the Developer Tools section is highly appreciated. The Developer Tools menu in Chrome/Firefox can be accessed by pressing the F12 button. Once opened please go to the Network Tab -> Response + Request. Try again to delete an old user and the on the Response + Request section the above mentioned error message or something similar should appear. 

    I will also please ask you to tell us the GroupShare version you are working on. To determine the used GroupShare version please check this KB article:

    Kind regards 

  • Dear Darius

    Many thanks for your reply. Please find attached the screenshots. We work with the version 2017, both Trados and GroupShare.

    Kind regards

    Mika Kirvesniemi

    Trados GroupShare dashboard with projects list, some project names blurred out.Close-up of Trados GroupShare user management with 'Delete' button highlighted.Confirmation dialog box asking 'Are you sure that you want to delete the selected Users?' with 'Yes' and 'No' options.Error message in Trados GroupShare stating 'The underlying provider failed on Open.' with 'OK' button.Trados Studio 2017 translation memory statistics with columns for languages, units, and confirmation statuses.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:58 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Dear Mika,

    Thank you for your reply on this and for attaching the screenshots.

    I will please ask you to attach a screenshot with the expanded error message from the Developer Tools section from the Web Browser. 

    The Developer Tools menu in Chrome/Firefox can be accessed by pressing the F12 button. Once opened please go to the Network Tab -> Response + Request. Try again to delete an old user and the on the Response + Request section the above mentioned error message or something similar should appear. 

    Also, please tell us the GroupShare version you are working on. To determine the used GroupShare version please check this KB article:

    Additional question: is MultiTerm installed on the same machine where GroupShare is installed?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Dear Mika,

    Thank you for your reply on this and for attaching the screenshots.

    I will please ask you to attach a screenshot with the expanded error message from the Developer Tools section from the Web Browser. 

    The Developer Tools menu in Chrome/Firefox can be accessed by pressing the F12 button. Once opened please go to the Network Tab -> Response + Request. Try again to delete an old user and the on the Response + Request section the above mentioned error message or something similar should appear. 

    Also, please tell us the GroupShare version you are working on. To determine the used GroupShare version please check this KB article:

    Additional question: is MultiTerm installed on the same machine where GroupShare is installed?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
