Online Editor issues - unable to check-in document


I work for a LSP using Groupshare and Trados Studio 2021. We use Online Editor for freelance translators that do not have a Trados Studio license themselves, but today we had a huge issue with a project and I would some input from you.

The translator used Online Editor to translate approximately 12k words in a PowerPoint presentation. But when he tried to check-in the file, he received the following error:

Error message in Trados Studio stating 'The check-in operation failed' with details about a file processing error related to object reference and conversion operation.

An attempt at downloading the file produced the same error.

I checked the Project Memory and it was not updated with his translation (I don't know if per a bug from Online Editor or by mistake of the translator), so adding a copy of the file to the project and running Pre-Translate did not solve my problem.

Project Manager was unable to force/undo check-out, even via the Groupshare website.

When we open the file on Groupshare, it shows as 100% completed, but on Trados Studio, it shows as 17% completed.

Trados Studio Online Editor interface showing a PowerPoint translation project with 13,849 words, 1,377 segments, 99.93% complete, and one untranslated segment.

Trados Studio project view indicating a PowerPoint file with 12,019 words at 17% translation progress and file status 'In Translation'.

Any tips on how we can solve this in the future? Or on what can cause this type of error?

Due to our short deadline, we had to copy the translated text to a new document, but that is obviously not the ideal solution.

Thanks in advance!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:03 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi Lydia!

    We are using GS 2020 SR1.

    I tried doing as you suggested, but I am not really knowledgeable in dev tools, so I am not sure where I would finad the 500 internal server error. I did find these messages in the dev tools:

    Error message in Trados Studio showing 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)'.
    Error message in Trados Studio with timestamp showing 'Error: Connection disconnected with error WebSocket is not in the OPEN state'.

    And sometimes, the error will present like this:
    Warning message in Trados Studio 'Force check-in operation failed' due to multiple tags with the same ID having different start tag properties.

    But even if I delete all tags in the translation, I am unable to check-in the file.

    Recreating the project is not ideal, as sometimes we have little time and the project memory is not properly populated or the project has multiple files that must be reviewed together.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:04 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]