GroupShare Transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full (GS 2020 SR1 CU04)

We are experiencing issues with tempdb in the SQL server, which increased in size to the point where the database does not respond (files cannot be checked in/checked out, projects do not synchronise, etc.).

In the TMService log, we have:

2022-03-03 11:13:33.2719|XX-123ABCCCCCC|Error|THREAD_ID:30|TR_ID:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx|EX:Error: System - The transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'.

The data for table-valued parameter "@tuIdsToSkip" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter. SQL Server error is: 9002, state: 4

The statement has been terminated. (det Post ails: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'.

We referred to several articles, including:

All suggest increasing the size allocated to/freeing up space on temp.

We increased the storage size of temp from 50gb to 100gb. However, this has not resolved the issue since tempdb simply increases in size in a matter of hours/minutes to consume the total amount of available space, and the issue therefore recurs.

At SDL/RWS, has this issue been encountered elsewhere? What are the workarounds?

Many thanks, James

  • Hi ,

    This is not a GroupShare issue. SQL Server should be managed by your Database Administrators.

    Please let them know that the operations like 'DBCC SHRINKFILE' need to be executed on your TempDB to affect the TempLog.

    More details on TempDB:

    We have a statement which may help. Please reach out to your Database Administrators and ask them to research and implement the below into an SQL Job:

    USE [tempdb]
    DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'templog' , 128)

    This is a general advice and it may not be applicable to your own SQL Server. It may also be possible that the above statement will not have any impact on your TempLog file due to active transactions.

    If your SQL Server is dedicated to GroupShare, it may be required that you stop all SDL Services before proceeding.

    If your SQL Server is shared with other applications, it may be necessary to stop all connections to the SQL Server before the statement will have any effect.

    You may also want to check with your Database Administrators on your backup strategy and adjust your Databases' Recovery Models if required. Further, you may want to check your TempLog Autogrowth setting

    I hope this helps.


  •  Hi Radu, thanks for your response.

    The DBA is managing the SQL server in line with recommended practice. But the dbtemp file fills up perpetually and exponentially. Currently, it takes an hour to get to 100gb.

    This is because there is an "active transaction" reflecting a query from a service called "TV Query" via SDL System, from the application server. We are also noting abnormal logging activity on the application server - i.e., a log that is writing many hundreds of copies a day.

    So we do believe that the root problem is with the GroupShare.

    Thanks for your input.

    Best, James

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