Hi all.
This issue has already been reported multiple times but apparently, it hasn't been solved, as I am still experiencing it. For example, here: https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/groupshare/f/groupshare-qa/26251/generating-preview
In short, when working on a GroupShare project (in doesn't seem to happen when working on local projects), whenever I confirm a segment, Trados seems to freeze and the status bar shows: "Generating preview". Now, when it's a small project, it gets stuck for a fraction of a second, but with heavier projects it gets stuck even a few seconds during which I can't do anything. This can make you waste a lot of time, but even when it freezes for (say) just 1 second it is still very frustrating when you are concentrated and trying to translate as fast as possible. I think it's a very serious issue and it's a shame that it hasn't been solved despite having been reported so many times.
Any advice would be appreciated.