We have been experiencing very slow lookup and concordance searches in Studio 2019 when using one specific server-based TM in GroupShare 2020. Searches in this TM take at least 20-30 seconds and sometimes time out completely, returning no results. Upon project creation, the analysis, pretranslate and project memory frequently miss partial and even full matches. The issue affects all users in our GroupShare environment, but only that one specific TM. Other TMs on the same GroupShare server, including one significantly larger TM, perform fine and return results in under 5 seconds.
This TM was set up exactly the same way all other TMs were, so I'm a bit stumped as to why its performance is so abysmal. I have already tried re-indexing and recomputing statistics, and sliding the performance tuner all the way to 'speed', but none of this has made any noticeable difference.
Has anyone else experienced an issue like this, and how were you able to resolve it?