User and Call limit


I'd like to know if there is a way to limit the calls number for a User.

I mean something like.....A user can get only one call and not more. Is it possibile?


kind regards



Parents Reply
  • Hi Walter,
    I agree with you and, your answer, give more force to my request.
    I don't like that Cals are used for nothing and now I have not any control on it (..... now, we don't have control also on who and what users are using).
    An example:
    Usually an LSP creates a package for a FL with TM and MT (FL > Studio > 1 call).
    What I'd like prevent is that FL opens also Multiterm and/or a Widget (so other 1 or 2 calls!) or, worst, that the FL gives to someone else part of the project assigned (this is also a big problem to discuss).

    ...sorry for my 'funny' and not very English.....

    Kind regards,