Does the Antidote Verifier plugin support the new Antidote 12?

Does the Antidote Verifier plugin support the new Antidote 12? I am using Studio 2021 SR2. I have already asked Druide, the makers of Antidote, but they are deferring to RWS for confirming the plugin compatibility, as Trados AppStore is the author of the plugin.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Oana, 

    It turns out that the installation of the Antidote Verifier had somehow become corrupted.

    The solution entailed NOT having Trados Studio running and running this program:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Trados\Plugin installer\Sdl.Community.SdlPluginInstaller.exe

    Run the program at that path and click on the "Uninstall" beside Antidote Verifier.

    Then reinstall the Antidote Verifier from the App Store and click on the green link at the top of the AppStore screen prompting you to restart Trados.

    Upon restart, it is very important to note that the icons for Antidote may appear only on the Add On tab rather than on the Review tab. In my case, I now have to run Antidote 11 from the Add On tab, but that's not a big deal. It works the same way as before.

    Using FreshStart did not solve my problem: without running the above SDL Community SDL Plugin Installer app, I would never have been able to completely uninstall the corrupted version of the plugin and regain my critical access to Antidote 11

    Ian Rahn

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