Please suggest a script to apply the 'Translated' status

Hi folks,

Could anybody suggest a script to apply 'Translated' status to an edited segment. NOT confirm, but only mark as translated, so that green mark appears against the segment but the segment does not go to TM.

Normal way for doing this is: MRC on a segment => Change Segment Status => select 'Translated' from the drop list. How can I do that with AHK?


  • A AHK script might not be necessary here if you only need to apply this status occasionally. In this case you can easily and quickly use the available keyboard shhortcuts for changing segment status.

    On my computer this would be [ALT]+H+U+T. This may vary dependying on your setup. The easiest is to start pressing [ALT], then look what letter stands for "Home" and press it, then which one for "Change Segment Status", again press it and finally choose the appropriate status. Once you know this by heart, you can set the segment status to whatever you need in a second.

    Trados Studio interface showing the Home tab with a red circle highlighting the 'Change Segment Status' keyboard shortcut ALT+H+U+T. Trados Studio interface with the 'Confirm' button circled in red, indicating the action to confirm a translated segment.Trados Studio dropdown menu for 'Change Segment Status' with options like Draft, Translated, and Rejected highlighted.

    If this is still too much effort, it should be possible to bind this suit of keyboard shortcuts to a single one with the help of Autohotkey; this would look like this:

    #IfWinActive, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe


    SendInput, {Alt}hut



    Hope this helps!


    Kind regards,


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 4:02 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • A AHK script might not be necessary here if you only need to apply this status occasionally. In this case you can easily and quickly use the available keyboard shhortcuts for changing segment status.

    On my computer this would be [ALT]+H+U+T. This may vary dependying on your setup. The easiest is to start pressing [ALT], then look what letter stands for "Home" and press it, then which one for "Change Segment Status", again press it and finally choose the appropriate status. Once you know this by heart, you can set the segment status to whatever you need in a second.

    Trados Studio interface showing the Home tab with a red circle highlighting the 'Change Segment Status' keyboard shortcut ALT+H+U+T. Trados Studio interface with the 'Confirm' button circled in red, indicating the action to confirm a translated segment.Trados Studio dropdown menu for 'Change Segment Status' with options like Draft, Translated, and Rejected highlighted.

    If this is still too much effort, it should be possible to bind this suit of keyboard shortcuts to a single one with the help of Autohotkey; this would look like this:

    #IfWinActive, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe


    SendInput, {Alt}hut



    Hope this helps!


    Kind regards,


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 4:02 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]