Hi all,
I made a quick script that is related to the previous highlighter script I posted. I found that what I need when deciphering complex Japanese sentences are "markers" so I can mark out the different clauses of long sentences (the order of clauses in Japanese is totally jumbled up compared to English). Basically I just place a marker to split up the different pieces of the sentence. Very simple but I hope some other translators might find it useful. Its quicker and simpler this way than highlighting different parts of a sentence in different colours.
#SingleInstance, force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, x, y
Gui, New
Gui, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +Owner -DPIScale -Caption
Gui, Color, ff007c
Gui, Show, W6 H30 X%vertx% Y%verty%
Gui, New
Gui, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +Owner -DPIScale -Caption
Gui, Color, ff007c
Gui, Show, W20 H6 X%horx% Y%hory%