Define -Translate -Synonyms of Highlighted using Copilot

Hello all

I want to use AHK to do :
1- explain/define the highlighted terms

2- Translate to Arabic

3- Give Synonyms - Examples of use.

what is wrong in this code


    what is wrong in this code

    I run your script and I get what I expected.

    I guess you know that:

    • You’d need a Sleep command before the SendInput lines in order to let your browser to open the Copilot web page.Try with Sleep 2000 and then decrease the 2 seconds timer if it’s too high.
    • The appropriate text box to input the prompt should have the focus, so the string after SendInput goes to something meaningful.
    • And finally, you’d need to press an Enter button to actually run the prompt. SendInput {Enter} will make it.

    What do you expect that is not happening?


    what is wrong in this code

    I run your script and I get what I expected.

    I guess you know that:

    • You’d need a Sleep command before the SendInput lines in order to let your browser to open the Copilot web page.Try with Sleep 2000 and then decrease the 2 seconds timer if it’s too high.
    • The appropriate text box to input the prompt should have the focus, so the string after SendInput goes to something meaningful.
    • And finally, you’d need to press an Enter button to actually run the prompt. SendInput {Enter} will make it.

    What do you expect that is not happening?

  • Thank you for your reply

    I need the term and the prompt to be written to get the answer from Copilot



    I couldn’t see the video in this forum, but I downloaded and watched it in local mode.

    First, the 1000 ms timer is too short. The web page is not opened yet when the SedInput commad kicks in. Set the timer parameter of Slepp at least to 4000 and see what happens. 

    Second, the text box doesn’t have the focus. It works for me if I press SHIFT+TAB 4 times.

    Taking this into account, the following script works for me:

        ; Send the prompt to Copilot
        Sleep 4000 ; needed to let the browswer to open the webpage
        SendInput {Shift down} ; Hold the SHIFT key down
        Loop 4
            SendInput {Tab}
            Sleep 200
        SendInput {Shift UP} ; Free the SHIFT key
        SendInput define/explain the highlighted term
        SendInput {Enter} ; to run the prompt

    Screenshot of a web browser with a text box containing the text 'defineexplain the highlighted term' and a visual indicator for pressing the 'Tab' key.

    Not tested heavily though…

    You will need to do the same with TranslateArabic and Synonyms labels.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 2:33 PM (GMT 1) on 9 Apr 2024]
  • I found Copilot preview in the Tray

    could you please modify the code to launch Copilot Preview instead of the Browser

    Screenshot of Trados Studio software showing a text document in the Editor view with highlighted text and a Copilot preview icon in the system tray indicated by a red arrow.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 2:59 PM (GMT 1) on 9 Apr 2024]

    could you please modify the code to launch Copilot Preview instead of the Broweser

    I’m sorry, I don’t use Copilot and I don’t know how to open it from the Tray.

  • I discovered a better way to do something very similar, but it uses OpenAI (via the API), instead of Copilot. It's AHK, so very easy to add custom prompts. You can basically create prompts to do anything you can imagine, and the results are instantaneously pasted at your cursor. I wrote a short article about it @ .

    Screenshot showing a context menu with options 'Fix spelling' and 'Translate' next to selected text, with a green arrow pointing to the menu.

    I also made a quick screencast:


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 4:18 PM (GMT 1) on 19 Jul 2024]

    Thanks for sharing that Michael... very cool.  Good that it uses V2 as well as I'm already having problems trying to convert every script I ever had from V1.  Didn't expect it to be that hard, but it is when you're not a developer!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you very much for sharing your Bot

    I found this

    AI Tools - AutoHotkey - Enable global hotkeys to run custom OpenAI prompts on text in any window.


    The default hotkeys and prompts are set to the following:

    Ctrl+Shift+j - (Auto-select text - Fix spelling) - Auto selects the current line or paragraph and runs the "Fix Spelling" prompt and replaces it with the corrected version.

    Ctrl+Shift+k - (Auto-select text - Prompt Menu) - Auto selects the current line or paragraph and opens the prompt menu.

    Ctrl+Alt+Shift+k - (Manual-select text - Prompt Menu) - Opens the prompt menu to pick the prompt to run on the selected text.


  • I've found various LLMs (especially Claude-3.5-Sonnet) are actually pretty good at converting AHK v1 to v2!

  • Cool, thanks for the tip. Yes, there are many of these little tools now (on GitHub), often based on AutoHotkey, which allow you to do some pretty amazing things via the OpenAI API.
