Trados Clinics Webinar on AutoHotKey


I wanted to share this link to a webinar that  and myself delivered this morning in the Community Solutions Hub (Trados):



It's designed to help users get started with AutoHotKey and might be worth a watch if you have not used it before.  For more experienced users there is some interesting (I found it interesting anyway!) parts where we looked at tools that can be used, and some references to places to find additional help.

Hope it's useful!


Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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Parents Reply
  • Thank you,  . Almost all my scripts are copied from the Internet (including this forum) and are randomly pooled in a single 700-line AHK file that loads at Windows start-up. The idea of converting it and troubleshooting the errors is a nightmare, as you say. But worse for me as I have a very limited understanding of what each line does!

    I will stick to V1 for the moment. 

    I have a few questions about things mentioned in the webinar and will (re)open threads to ask them.

    But just one more question here, if you don't mind: Blush
    Is the pop-up menu you used in Trados (with "copy project filename" at the top) created with Quick Access Popup? If so, is it an alternative menu in QAP that you call up with a dedicated shortcut?

    Many thanks,

