Hi, Jennifer.
You can only associate only one LanguageCloud subscription to each Studio instance.
If you open the LanguageCloud MT in your project (click USE > LanguageCloud MT; you may or may not delete the existing one), you can add or remove MT engines (1 on the free plan, 2 on the USD10 plan etc.). The subscription, however, is the same: what is included will vary according to your plan, but always, I repeat, on the same subscription.
One common error in the free plan (one TM engine only):
You work on the A>B language pair and have an A>B engine configured in your LanguageCloud. If you accept a B>A job, the A>B engine will return empty translations. You will need to delete the A>B engine and configure a B>A one.
Guilherme R Basilio
Translator✔ Interpreter✔ Transcreator✔ Copywriter✔ Editor✔ Trainer✔
Dreamer — Change Agent — Passionate Work