Target not populating after using Language Weaver Machine Translation


I have reviewed some of the other answers to people having issues after pre-translation and target side not populating with no results.

I am testing machine translation for Language Weaver.  I am using the same settings for a template I am using for Google MT.

This image is of the tasks I have setup.

Screenshot of Trados Studio Project Template Settings showing selected tasks: Convert to Translatable Format, Copy to Target Languages, Pre-translate Files, Generate Target Translations.

Here are the settings used for Pre-Translation

Screenshot of Trados Studio Pre-Translate Settings with Minimum match value set to 100 and options to confirm and lock context matches selected.

When I use these settings for Google I get the Target fully populated, but not when I use the Language Weaver MT plugin within Trados.

I am using Windows and Trados version SR2

Am I missing a setting or is there some other issue?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:14 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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