Target not populating after using Language Weaver Machine Translation


I have reviewed some of the other answers to people having issues after pre-translation and target side not populating with no results.

I am testing machine translation for Language Weaver.  I am using the same settings for a template I am using for Google MT.

This image is of the tasks I have setup.

Screenshot of Trados Studio Project Template Settings showing selected tasks: Convert to Translatable Format, Copy to Target Languages, Pre-translate Files, Generate Target Translations.

Here are the settings used for Pre-Translation

Screenshot of Trados Studio Pre-Translate Settings with Minimum match value set to 100 and options to confirm and lock context matches selected.

When I use these settings for Google I get the Target fully populated, but not when I use the Language Weaver MT plugin within Trados.

I am using Windows and Trados version SR2

Am I missing a setting or is there some other issue?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:14 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi  ,

    If your intention was to use Language Weaver, then the above option is not the right one. To use Language Weaver, you have to install the plugin from the private appstore, which you can set it up using the following link:

     (Missing Wiki Page) 

    Next, in the Translation Memories and automated translation settings, click use and select : "Language Weaver provider" from the list:

    Dropdown menu in Trados Studio with 'Language Weaver provider' selected for translation memory and automated translation settings.

    Now you can check again for results.

    To troubleshoot further and to your specific cloud resources selected, I wonder if you have selected machine translation or translation engines in the settings window:

    Trados Studio settings window showing 'Cloud-based Resources' with options for 'Machine Translation' and 'Translation Engines'.

    Machine Traslation picks up the automatic translation from the servers, whereas Translation Engines will refer to the cloud resources that you set up in Trados Live account.

    And last thing that occurs to me is have you checked what happens if you open the file in Editor view, do you see any information or results coming from the Translation results pane?

    Trados Studio Editor view displaying 'Translation Results - Machine Translation' pane with a message 'No matches found or no lookup performed.' and blurred text in the background.

    If you check on a per segment basis, do you get any results?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


    Oana Nagy | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:14 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]