DeepL NMT for Arabic

Dear Community!

A question to those using NMT offered by DeepL Pro. 

Not so long ago the free on-line version of DeepL included Arabic language, however, Trados insists that this pair does not exist and, therefore, shows an error when trying to add this provider to the project settings. How come? Paid version is behind the free on-line one?

Screenshot showing an error message in a translation software. The message states that the 'DeepL Translator provider using DeepL Translator' does not support any language combination in this project or project template and suggests using 'AnyTM' to add the translation memory.

What about LW? Does it offer Arabic?

Thanks in advance!

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 8:48 AM (GMT 0) on 15 Nov 2024]

    I think, although I am checking with the developer, that the problem is related to this notice in the DeepL API documentation:

    As of January 2024, Arabic (AR) is supported as a source and target language for text translation, but it is not yet supported for document translation. Therefore, Arabic has not yet been added to the /languages endpoint. We will add Arabic to the /languages endpoint after document translation support is added.

    Because we never know when they add new languages until someone complains we use this endpoint to try and make sure we are always automatically ahead of the game.  But sincethey ave not added Arabic to this endpoint yet we still don't know.

    So if I'm right our options are these:

    1. wait until DeepL add it to their endpoint and you'll automagically get it or
    2. do some additional work to add Arabic manually for the approach DeepL have taken as a workaround

    Once we have checked the problem we'll plan in the work around our current workload to deliver whatever is necessary and see who gets there first.  My preference is DeepL just add it of course because then we don't have do anything... it'll just automagically work!

    What about LW? Does it offer Arabic?

    Of course.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Dear Paul, 

    I have read your reply once again and feel that I still have doubts.

    Why do you separate text translation from docuemnt the end, all we deal with are texts...

    Secondly, what do you mean by saying "language endpoint". I mean, I deduce from the general context, that it´s like a list of the languages supported or language services included, isn´t it?

    And then, option 2: what workaround is there? (hope it´s not very politically INcorrect to ask this here, since Trados offers LW...).

    I tried to add DeepL as a source to the project with SP-AR (Saudi), and the system returned a message that this pair of languages is not available. So, just for test purposes, I created an EN-AR(world) TM (less specific Arabic version paired to a mosre common English language) , but it did not either....

    Thanks in advance!

  • Dear Paul, 

    I have read your reply once again and feel that I still have doubts.

    Why do you separate text translation from docuemnt the end, all we deal with are texts...

    Secondly, what do you mean by saying "language endpoint". I mean, I deduce from the general context, that it´s like a list of the languages supported or language services included, isn´t it?

    And then, option 2: what workaround is there? (hope it´s not very politically INcorrect to ask this here, since Trados offers LW...).

    I tried to add DeepL as a source to the project with SP-AR (Saudi), and the system returned a message that this pair of languages is not available. So, just for test purposes, I created an EN-AR(world) TM (less specific Arabic version paired to a mosre common English language) , but it did not either....

    Thanks in advance!


    Why do you separate text translation from docuemnt the end, all we deal with are texts...

    We don't.  DeepL does and they provide the endpoints.

    Secondly, what do you mean by saying "language endpoint"

    When we make a call to DeepL to say, hey, what languages do you support, we do this by calling up what's called an endpoint.

    option 2: what workaround is there? (hope it´s not very politically INcorrect to ask this here, since Trados offers LW...).

    The workaround would be to write code specifically to ignore what should be provided by the endpoint and just get Arabic anyway.  But we really don't want to do this as we used to do it and very soon started getting complaints from users when new languages were added and we hadn't added them yet.  Now, since we use the endpoint we don't even have to think about it.  As long as DeepL add the languages they say they support to their own endpoint the plugin will get them automatically.

    I tried to add DeepL as a source to the project with SP-AR (Saudi), and the system returned a message that this pair of languages is not available. So, just for test purposes, I created an EN-AR(world) TM (less specific Arabic version paired to a mosre common English language) , but it did not either....

    Don't waste your tme!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Oh, then the plugin is yours! I thought it was offered by DeepL! Ok, then, once they have this "endpoint" included in the future, it will just appear, with no need of updating the plugin, right?

    Don't waste your tme!

    Ok, I won´t! :) Happy St.Valentine´s day! Slight smile


    Oh, then the plugin is yours! I thought it was offered by DeepL!

    Yes, it's ours.  A good tip is to look at the appstore and the developers name is always there.  So for example... in this small selection you can see the two DeepL providers specifically for DeepL only and for Trados Studio and Language Cloud were developed by our team.  "Trados AppStore Team" is our team:

    A selection of 6 apps on the appstore for MT with only two developed by the Trados AppStore team.  These two are highlighted.

    And a happy Valentine's day to you too!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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