For the second time ina few months I cannot use Trados 2014 because an error message telles me "Application is not configured for LanguageCloudUrlsConfig". Useless to say that I am not able to contact anybody at SDL... Is there a solution to this?
For the second time ina few months I cannot use Trados 2014 because an error message telles me "Application is not configured for LanguageCloudUrlsConfig". Useless to say that I am not able to contact anybody at SDL... Is there a solution to this?
Language Cloud Machine Translation plug-in is delivered with Studio and it is activated by default. You might have received at one point a welcome screen asking you to try the Language Cloud trial, and if you logged in with your SDL user and password a Language Cloud account has been created.
Please try to run as Administrator Studio and go to Add-ins ->Plug-ins and deactivate SDL Language Cloud Plug-in
The error you are mentioning is probably caused by a Windows security update.
In the past this error has been solved by Running Studio with Administrator rights.
If that works, then I would recommend setting the Studio.exe to always run as Administrator or re-installing Studio using Run as Administrator for the installation package.