How do you import a glossary from an xls file into a termbase?

I feel very stupid for asking this, but after over an hour of searching, I cannot find out how to use this client-supplied, two-column xls glossary in Trados. I must be missing something because such a simple operation cannot be this difficult. I am using Trados 2017.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    Glossary converter seems to have stopped working, as you appear to be aware. My version of Trados (2017) does not appear to have the option of using an xlsx as a glossary. So now I am unable to create glossaries from xls files. Do you have any suggestions? I have already spend a couple of hours trying to get this sorted - time I had not budgeted for when I accepted this current translation project.

    As a very polite suggestion for the development team - the ability to import a glossary with ease would seem to be a very basic function in a CAT tool; I suggest it is incorporated into Trados itself such that users are not left without this function when an update is released.