How can I create an *mtw (Multiterm 5) file from an Excel glossary?

I would need *mtw format glossary for HyperHub. Is there a way I can create such a glossary?

Parents Reply
  • Dear Vera,

    Can you please double check the articles I sent you. As you need Multiterm Convert to convert terminology data to MultiTerm XML format (MTF.XML).

    It converts a single input file and produces a termbase definition file (XDT file) as well as the MTF.XML file.

    • The XDT file is used to define the structure of your termbase in MultiTerm. 
    • The XML file contains the termbase data. You populate your termbase by importing this file.

    Once you have used SDL MultiTerm Convert to convert your data, you can import it into MultiTerm.

    Data formats handled 

    You can convert files in any of the following data formats to MTF.XML format:

    • MultiTerm 5 ( MTW files)
    • OLIF XML(Open Lexicon Interchange Format). 
    • SDL Termbase Desktop(TDB files). 
    • SDL Termbase Online(MDB files) 
    • Spreadsheet and database exchange. These files can be either tab-delimited text files (TXT files) or CSV files. 
    • Microsoft Excel (XLS files). You must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer to convert a file of this type. 
    • TermBase eXchange format (TBX files).

    Using this workaround is the way to have an .mtw file.

    Wish you a great day.

    Best regards,

    Ana-Maria Matefi

    Ana-Maria Matefi | RWS Group

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