How to change the setup of a termbase or to create a new one based on the old one?

I have a termbase which was created when I was new to Studio and Multiterm. It works, but I made mistakes on the entry level, index level and the properties of the descriptive fields. Once populated, it is impossible to make changes, but I would like to set things right. Is there a way to create a new termbase, correct the mistakes on the various levels, and import the terms out of the old one? I have Multiterm 2019.

Parents Reply
  • When recreating / creating a TB out of Excel, where picklist values are defined, Glossary Converter will not automatically fill the values in corresponding fields, unless you manually add all the necessary values during the process in GC.

    Given Rita will get that when she converts to Excel from MultiTerm this may not be a problem for her.  But if necessary it might still be easier to do this:

    1. GC from MultiTerm to create an XDT and XML
    2. GC from MultiTerm to create the Excel
    3. Edit the Excel as needed
    4. GC from Excel to XDT and XML
    5. Create a new TB using the XDT from 1.
    6. Import the XML from 4.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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