Multiterm termbase with bilingual field names, is it possible?


I want to create a Multiterm base in two languages, FR and EN with multiple customized fields. Those fields have to be in EN for EN translators and in FR for FR translators (no choice there). Each translator will have his own Multiterm base (saved on his personal drive) with these common fields but the content of their individual bases will be shared with other translators or uploaded in a common large Multiterm base, thus the need for the fields to be consistent and have the same names.

Is it possible to create customized fields with bilingual names? Wouldn´t they be too long and cumbersome (some field names, like list of clients, are already very long)? Is it better to create a separate model with the field names either in FR or in EN (but then how to proceed to integrate all the content into a single large termbase?). Maybe I am missing something very obvious. Thank you.  

Parents Reply
  • Thank you Daniel. I think this is just what I was looking for. So, as I understand it, the field labels remain the same, though I would have to choose one language over the other when I create the termbase, let´s say FR. FR translators could just display the base without any special layout definition. I would then need to create a different layout definition for EN translators in which I would modify how field labels are displayed (EN names). Right? When I do exports and imports, would the active layout definition interfere in anyway (let´s say I have a FR layout and I am importing content exported from a base with EN layout active)? I don´t think so but would like to maker sure. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated. Beatriz 
