Regex flavor in MultiTerm

Does MultiTerm's batch edit function use the same flavor of Regex as Studio? (.NET)


Parents Reply
  • It's hard to see what's wrong with the string in the preview because it is so truncated, but the actual replacement seems to consider the entire string as $1, and then count capture groups from $2 up, not from $1 as expected. So if you want to place capture group n, you have to address it as $n+1. It might be as simple as a counter that is not initialized right... but of course people can unsuspecingly cause tremendous damage to their TBs (and there is neither a proper preview nor an undo), so I would really aim at fixing this one.

    It does seem to work with named capture groups, which again points at a counter problem:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing a string replacement error with capture groups incorrectly numbered, causing potential damage to the translation memory.

    MultiTerm preview seems correct, although truncated:

    Preview window in Trados Studio's Batch Edit showing a mismatch between new and old values due to a string replacement error.

    Result is correct:

    Trados Studio term base entry showing the incorrect result of a string replacement in the English term field.

    I have to use this feature at the moment, so I will backup and hope for the best.



    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:52 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]