Help! The TB I used for my project is locked and became a "ldb" file

I worked on a big project and filled my TB with a lot of content. I was really happy with the new 2021 quick add function. Once finished I wanted to make a backup of my TB, but: its seems locked! If I filter on last modified I do see a file that corresponds to the date, but it is a "ldb" file and as said before it is locked. I tried to open that in another project, but impossible, gives me this error: "general error occured Multiterm ne peut pas extraire l'objet multimedia".

How can I unlock this file/ change the extension, so that I can use it for future projects?

Thanks for your help!

Trados Studio project settings window showing TermBases section with a locked TB highlighted.

File explorer window with a list of files, highlighting a locked 'ldb' file with a recent 'last modified' date.

Error message in Trados Studio stating 'general error occurred Multiterm cannot extract the multimedia object'.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 2:04 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Open MultiTerm and save the definition file from here like this:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio MultiTerm with an arrow pointing to the 'Definition' tab being selected.

    1. click on "definition"
    2. click on "save"

    This will get you an *.xdt file which is a file explaining to an application that understands this what the structure of your termbase is.

    Then go here and export:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio MultiTerm with arrows pointing to the 'Export' button and 'Process' button in the export section.

    1. click on "Export"
    2. click on "Process"

    This will get you an *.xml file which contains al the entries in your termbase.

    You can save both files wherever you like... probably a folder on your desktop seems a good idea.

    Then create your cloud termbase using the *.xdt file, and once created import the *.xml into it.

    As for your TB... it does sound as though some synchronisation software has got hold of the files and locked them.  OneDrive could do this.  If you have a back up of your termbase then I'd use that.  If not I'm not sure, but perhaps see if you can copy the *.ldb files to your desktop and then rename them as sdltb.  Then see if they'll open.  Bit of a guess, but you never know!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    [edited by: Trados AI at 2:04 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]