Exporting and importing a new language

Hi all!

I'm on the task of importing new language terms to our (server-based) master termbase from a local termbase our language provider was using for adding new terms. It's a perfect copy of our master with the same termbase definition - the only difference is that is has the Dutch entries I'd like to import.

Everytime I have this scenario, I always end up with the same problem, i.e. I can create a bilingual html export file from the local termbase, open it in Excel, edit it there and finally, using MT Convert, convert it back to xml and import it into our master termbase.

So far so good - the problem is that this way the entry numbers get lost and I cannot use the "Synchronise on entry number" function when importing into our master termbase- which is a real disadvantage.

Right now, I'm trying to find a better option (as I have many times before), and I'm giving the other export options - MT format 5 and tbx - a go, but the tbx file seems to be too much to stomach for MultiTerm Convert and it keeps crashing. 

Any good ideas how I could handle this?


  • Hello Tanja,

    I am not sure what you are trying to do: you have a master termbase, and you want to import entries containing Dutch entries. Do these Dutch entries only have Dutch terminology? When you have two different independent termbases, it is quite normal that the entry numbers don't match, even if the termbase definitions are identical.

    Secondly, why do you first export the entries to an html file to edit them in Excel? Can't you just edit the entries in MultiTerm and then directly export them to the MultiTerm xml file format?

    Kind regards


  • Hi Joel,

    The local termbase has all the languages/entries that our master termbase has - plus the new Dutch terms which is the new language. The thing is that our external translators cannot access our master termbase which is why I have to provide them with an identical local copy of it. Hence, the entry numbers are identical.

    Yes, I can directy export to xml format, but this way, I'd have all the other languages/descriptive fields etc. in the xml file and it would overwrite the original information in the master - which I want to avoid. I want to leave all other language terms & descriptive fields untouched and only add the new Dutch terms - prefereably by synchronising on entry numbers.

  • Hi Joel,

    The local termbase has all the languages/entries that our master termbase has - plus the new Dutch terms which is the new language. The thing is that our external translators cannot access our master termbase which is why I have to provide them with an identical local copy of it. Hence, the entry numbers are identical.

    Yes, I can directy export to xml format, but this way, I'd have all the other languages/descriptive fields etc. in the xml file and it would overwrite the original information in the master - which I want to avoid. I want to leave all other language terms & descriptive fields untouched and only add the new Dutch terms - prefereably by synchronising on entry numbers.
