Response still outstanding - who can help? Words can not looked up in MultiTerm, error message: "Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt"
Dear all, when trying to look up a word in my Multiterm Databank I always get the following error message: "Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt". I no longer can look up words in my Multiterm Databank automatically...
Is there someone who knows the solution to this problem?
Dear Paul,
the problem still exists. Words cannot be looked up automatically in MultiTerm. Is there some other suggestion for help than the one below? Maybe someone can switch on to my computer? Best regards, Sabine
Paul Filkin suggested the answer: Hi Sabine, Let's start with the obvious (as in this often cures many things). Navigate to this folder: c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL MultiTerm\MultiTerm11\ Now delete these files (sometimes I zip them up and then delete, so if doesn't help I can put them back if I have customised anything in MultiTerm), restart MultiTerm and try again: BaseSettings.xml UserSettings.xml Settings.xml Let me know if this helps? Regards (with 1 other suggested answer)
Dear Paul,
the problem still exists. Words cannot be looked up automatically in MultiTerm. Is there some other suggestion for help than the one below? Maybe someone can switch on to my computer? Best regards, Sabine
Paul Filkin suggested the answer: Hi Sabine, Let's start with the obvious (as in this often cures many things). Navigate to this folder: c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL MultiTerm\MultiTerm11\ Now delete these files (sometimes I zip them up and then delete, so if doesn't help I can put them back if I have customised anything in MultiTerm), restart MultiTerm and try again: BaseSettings.xml UserSettings.xml Settings.xml Let me know if this helps? Regards (with 1 other suggested answer)