what is recommended TermBase structure: in different files or in a same file ?

Hi all 

What is recommended TermBase structure: 

1. in different domain-specific sdltb files

I this case I am getting lost among many files and loosing track whenever I need them connected to Trados

Screenshot of a file explorer window showing various .sdltb files with their sizes, such as Contracts.sdltb and EBRD gloss.sdltb.


2. in the same single sdltb file 

in this case I feel the sdltb file gets oversized if I use fields to specify my language domain for each entry, plus it takes more time for manual manipulations in Excel column

Screenshot of a file explorer with two files named simple wo subject field.sdltb and simple wo subject field.xlsx, and two files named open.sdltb and open.xlsx with red question marks indicating potential issues.

Screenshot of an Excel spreadsheet with a column labeled 'Subject' containing various domain-specific terms such as Architecture, Civil, and Construction.

Screenshot of a term base entry interface with terms in English and Russian, categories like 'Scope' and 'Contractor', and green check marks indicating confirmed entries.

Are there any recommendation on how to maintain/keep termbases more efficient in terms of minimum files size / faster search with better translator-friendly approach?

Please share, thank you 

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:44 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]