The problem is that my termbase is not displalyed on the screen of the Trados 2019 editor. The termbase view is empty and says "Your termbase is not open."
But, I can open my termbase in Multiterm and I could also set the termbase in the editor.
Only editor did not display it.
I have tried 3 termbases created by using 3 different ways:
1. Use of the up-to-date app "Golossay Converter"
2. Use of "SDL Multiterm 2019 Desktop"
3. Creating a new termbase from scratch in the Trados 2019 editor.
However, results were always same: I could open all termbases in Multiterm, and I could set the termbases in the editor, but the editor screen does not show the termbase by saying "Your termbase is not open."
I have never experienced this kind of trouble since I started use this product in 2014.
I would really appreciate it if somebody helps this problem.
Thank you for reading this.