Hi there
I try to split a very large termbase with many languages in it into smaller ones containing only a few languages:
Firts, modified the term definition of an existing, empty termbase by deleting all indexes/languages not needed and then imported the xml.
I found out that MT only imports the full number of entries containing terms in the selected languages if I choose the option "Allow over-complete entries" (as Anna had observed as well).
But if I do so MT will import all languages and terms contained in the XML It seems that MT can only import and filter on the entry level.
The desired result would be a termbase containing exactly the full number of terms in the selected languages.
As a first solution I use an XSL transformation on the XML to get rid of the unwanted languageGrp elements.
Is there a simpler solution to the desired result by using MT Desktop without having to manipulate the XML before importing it?
PS: Using the Glossary Converter (which is a very good tool and would do the job exactly in the way I want it) is not an option in my case.
Thank you for your help.
WIth kind regards