Merging items shows Script error

Dear Community:

I tried to merge two entries and the program returned this error:

Error message in Trados Studio indicating a script error on line 10649. The entry number does not exist in the terminology database. Options to continue running scripts are 'Yes' or 'No'.

I searched Entry 10649 using the Entry-number search and the database showed a correct entry, however, the term contained in this 10649 has nothing to do with the term the system offered me to merge....

Grateful in advance!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 2:22 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Dear Ana-María, 

    actually everything related to the Multiterm database is quite complicated. In my case, it´s not Trados, but Multiterm failure. 

    And it occured the moment I tried to merge two terms. 

    According to the error message: the entry number does not exist in the TDB.

    All this is really weird. Trados 2022 SR1 seems to have many bugs...

    For example, I had terms in the list that were not available when clicking on them. I could not delete them either, so I rearranged the TDB and, even worse, the search stopped "finding" some of the terms. For example, an entry with 3 synonyms in Spanish, two in English and 1 in other languages. One of the synonyms suddenly appeared to be "invisible", and every time I put it in the Search line an error message appears that the entry does not exist. However, if I enter another synonym, the entry is instantly shown.

    So, since I made a backup copy of the TDB before the rearrangement, I just got ´back to that previous copy.

    By the way, the merging error we are talking about appeared right after the TDB rearrangement.

    Best regards!

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