Termbase-adding a new term on the termbase using SDL Trados Studio while translating


I have been using one language pair until recently. Yesterday I have created another language pair, meaning one of the previous languages and another new language. While translating on SDL Trados Studio I tried to add a new term on my termbase. I did it by "Add a new term" on SDL Trados Studio. The terms of the source language and target language were added both on the field of the source language and was not recognized by the termbase. If i Try adding the term through Multiterm, it works fine, nevertheless, adding terms to the termbase while translating on SDL Trados Studio is very convenient.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards,


  • Hello Butrint,

    It sounds like you're having trouble adding a new term to your termbase directly from Trados Studio. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

    Step 1: Open your project in Trados Studio.

    Step 2: In the Editor view, select the term you want to add to your termbase.

    Step 3: Right-click on the selected term and choose "Add New Term".

    Step 4: In the dialog box that appears, ensure that the source and target languages are correctly set. If not, adjust them accordingly.

    Step 5: Enter the term in the source language and its equivalent in the target language.

    Step 6: Click "OK" to add the term to your termbase.

    If you're still having trouble, it might be due to the language settings of your termbase. Make sure that the language pair of your termbase matches the language pair of your project in Trados Studio. If the languages don't match, Trados Studio might not recognize the terms correctly.

    Remember, you can always check the language settings of your termbase in MultiTerm. Open your termbase, go to "Termbase Management", and then "Definition". Here, you can see and edit the languages of your termbase.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Hello Butrint,

    It sounds like you're having trouble adding a new term to your termbase directly from Trados Studio. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

    Step 1: Open your project in Trados Studio.

    Step 2: In the Editor view, select the term you want to add to your termbase.

    Step 3: Right-click on the selected term and choose "Add New Term".

    Step 4: In the dialog box that appears, ensure that the source and target languages are correctly set. If not, adjust them accordingly.

    Step 5: Enter the term in the source language and its equivalent in the target language.

    Step 6: Click "OK" to add the term to your termbase.

    If you're still having trouble, it might be due to the language settings of your termbase. Make sure that the language pair of your termbase matches the language pair of your project in Trados Studio. If the languages don't match, Trados Studio might not recognize the terms correctly.

    Remember, you can always check the language settings of your termbase in MultiTerm. Open your termbase, go to "Termbase Management", and then "Definition". Here, you can see and edit the languages of your termbase.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

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