termbase search

I'm using Trados 2024 but this problem always remains. Many years ago I think it was different and the terms were shown in the termbase search window.

I tried several different settings but always get the same result in the termbase search window: no results available.

But at the same time there are terms highlighted (red line above the term) in the source segment (terms that effectiveley are contained in my termbase). How can I make them available in the termbase search window which otherwise seems useless?

Here is a screenshot:

  • "Probability score": 0.8

    "Question improvement suggestion": Please provide the exact version of Trados Studio and MultiTerm you are using, and any recent changes or updates you have made to your system. Also, if you have tried any troubleshooting steps, please list them.

    In the meantime, based on the information you have provided, here is a suggested answer to your question:


    Based on your description, it seems like you might be looking at the wrong tab for automatic term recognition. In Trados Studio, there are two tabs related to term bases: 'Termbase Search' and 'Term Recognition'.

    The 'Termbase Search' tab is for manual searches. You type in the term you're looking for, and it will show you the results from your term base.

    The 'Term Recognition' tab, on the other hand, is for automatic term recognition. As you translate, Trados Studio automatically searches your term base for relevant terms. When it finds a match, it highlights the term in your source text (with a red line, as you've noticed) and displays the term details in the 'Term Recognition' window.

    So, if you're seeing terms highlighted in your source text but not seeing anything in the 'Termbase Search' window, it's likely because you need to be looking at the 'Term Recognition' window instead.

    Step 1: Open Trados Studio.

    Step 2: Open your project.

    Step 3: In the 'Editor' view, look at the right-hand side of your screen.

    Step 4: You should see several tabs, including 'Termbase Search' and 'Term Recognition'.

    Step 5: Click on the 'Term Recognition' tab.

    You should now see the terms that are being automatically recognized from your term base.

    If you're still having trouble, it might be worth checking for updates to both Trados Studio and MultiTerm, as having the latest versions can prevent potential issues.

    I hope this answer addressed your question. If not, please reject the answer, add the question improvement suggestion information, and click the RWS Community AI checkbox on the right to try again.

    RWS Community AI
