Advanced search in Termbase for listing all individual instances of a text field

I have a Termbase with terms related to Engineering in it. Every entry, among other fields, has the English term, the corresponding Portuguese term and a field called "Source" that contains where I got the translation from (usually a book). So, a typical entry would be something like:

  • Entry Id: 1
  • Subject: "Electronics"
  • Source: "SEDRA, Adel S.; SMITH, Kenneth C. Microeletrônica. 4. ed. São Paulo: MAKRON Books, 2000."
    • English: "bulk"
    • Portuguese: "substrato"

The field "Source" is of Type Text and is Entry Level. So here's my question: is there a way to perform an advanced search on the Termbase to list all my sources (without repeating results)? For example, suppose my termbase looks like this:

  • Entry Id: 1
  • Subject: "Electronics"
  • Source: "SEDRA, Adel S.; SMITH, Kenneth C. Microeletrônica. 4. ed. São Paulo: MAKRON Books, 2000."
    • English: "bulk"
    • Portuguese: "substrato"
  • Entry Id: 2
  • Subject: "Electronics"
  • Source: "SEDRA, Adel S.; SMITH, Kenneth C. Microeletrônica. 4. ed. São Paulo: MAKRON Books, 2000."
    • English: "common source amplifier"
    • Portuguese: "amplificador com fonte comum"
  • Entry Id: 3
  • Subject: "Electronics"
  • Source: "BOYLESTAD, Robert L.; NASHELSKY, Louis. Dispositivos Eletrônicos e Teoria de Circuitos. 11. ed. São Paulo: Pearson, 2013."
    • English: "resistor"
    • Portuguese: "resistor"
  • Entry Id: 4
  • Subject: "Electronics"
  • Source: "HOROWITZ, Paul; HILL, Winfield. A Arte da Eletrônica. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2017."
    • English: "voltage"
    • Portuguese: "tensão"
  • Entry Id: 5
  • Subject: "Electronics"
  • Source: "BOYLESTAD, Robert L.; NASHELSKY, Louis. Dispositivos Eletrônicos e Teoria de Circuitos. 11. ed. São Paulo: Pearson, 2013."
    • English: "bjt"
    • Portuguese: "tbj"

I would like to perform a search that would return me:

  • "SEDRA, Adel S.; SMITH, Kenneth C. Microeletrônica. 4. ed. São Paulo: MAKRON Books, 2000."
  • "BOYLESTAD, Robert L.; NASHELSKY, Louis. Dispositivos Eletrônicos e Teoria de Circuitos. 11. ed. São Paulo: Pearson, 2013."
  • "HOROWITZ, Paul; HILL, Winfield. A Arte da Eletrônica. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2017."



    In MultiTerm you cannot do this.  But you could export to Excel and then "Remove Duplicates" to get a list of unique sources. This option can be found under the "Data" tab in Excel.  You could also take a copy of your termbase and save it as a MS Access database and then run a query on it to achieve what you need.

    It was a good way to while away a few minutes on a Saturday evening so here's a short video explaining how to do both if this is interesting for you:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    In MultiTerm you cannot do this.  But you could export to Excel and then "Remove Duplicates" to get a list of unique sources. This option can be found under the "Data" tab in Excel.  You could also take a copy of your termbase and save it as a MS Access database and then run a query on it to achieve what you need.

    It was a good way to while away a few minutes on a Saturday evening so here's a short video explaining how to do both if this is interesting for you:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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