Multiterm failing to import/distinguish language variants

I have an excel glossary for several languages including variants for Spanish (Mexico, Argentina) and Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal). I treated each variant as a new language and therefore I create separate columns for them like this:

Then, I use Multiterm Convert to create Multiterm Database and carefully asign each column to language variant like this:

Same for ptPT for Portuguese (Portugal). Then I get my structure:

which distinguish between both language variants. But when I create my Termbase with Multiterm Desktop or Multiterm Server, I just get all portuguese terms under Portuguese (Brazil) and all spanish terms under Spanish (Argentina), no terms for Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Mexico), nor for Portuguese (Portugal), like this:

I've been using Multiterm, Multiterm convert and all Multiterm products since ever, so this time I think it is not a matter of not doing things right... I think it's a bug :(

I like to use Multiterm Convert instead other solutions like Glossary Converter because I want to keep .xcd, .xdt files for further Termbase updates and I also like to have control over structure and fields, etc.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    Many thanks for this solution. I see that you only leave one cell for each language whereas I keep three: a cell for main term, a cell for a synonym and another cell for a special form of term, which I also categorise with a field (cat).

    I know that your option, all terms in one cell separated through "|" is an easier way but I like to keep translations separate so I can add info for each translation variant. For example, it is a forbidden translation, it is an acronym, it is preferred... If I don't do this way, my cat field goes under an (unique) term level and categorises terms wrongly like here:

    It should read under term form DELE. I do this to warn my translators in case a special project or document doesn't allow a particular translation, etc.

    Also I'd like to show language names in .sdltb with full original name and not with those codes I use in excel for practical reasons...

    So, what about Multiterm Convert? Is there really a bug with language variants or am I doing something wrong...? I will give a try to Glossary Converter and re-build my termbase the way you did, but I'd really like to know if I need to discard my old method if termbase involves language variants.

    Many thanks again,

