Idea to make Multiterm usage more convenient

When I have a very "broad" termbase that "captures" almost every word in the sentence and offers all them translations in a small window (even most common words translations of which I really do not need), then, if I forgot or do not know the exact translation of the term, it will be really annoying to scroll all that list down to a desired term to learn the term's first letter in my language and then type it and choose from suggestions pop-up in the translation pane. 

I think it would be a great relief if this pop-up would appear after I, say, triple click or whatever on the source word in the target panel (provided I'd copied the source to the target). And in this pop-up window terms for only triple clicked word(s) would appear.  And I would then easily choose the desired translation from a quite limited number of suggestions.

In fact I don't know whether this function or plug-in exist. If not I am sure it is worth creating. 
