We have improved the ‘Definition’ of our current TB by adding new descriptive fields that reflect the growth that has occurred in our product line. This improvement provides ‘options’ for translators to set ‘preferred’ versus ‘forbidden’ terms based on the product family to which each term belongs. So, for example, a translation can be ‘preferred’ in PrdFmlyA but that same translation can be ‘forbidden’ in PrdFmlyB, or PrdFmlyC, etc. Creating an Input Model seemed to be the answer to provide a neat and consistent ‘template’ to enter terms with their corresponding descriptive fields always in the same sequence – none of them ‘Mandatory’ –: • ProductFmly (picklist of PrdFmlies) • Term Status(picklist of preferred/forbidden) • Term Definition • Part of Speech • Context (example of use) • Notes • Related Terms (to set X-References).
What is happening is that this input model appears in this desired order when TargetTerm1 is entered, but if synonyms are entered (TargetTerm2, TargetTerm3) under the same entry number, then the input model template doesn’t appear anymore; instead the translator can choose from a dropdown list in no specific order.
Please suggest how to provide to a team of several translators an organized input-model that will NOT allow changing the order in which descriptive fields display. Maybe the solution is not via 'input model' but via a customized 'layout'?
Also, please share any info on available videos or any other material that can offer more in depth training on how to efficiently combine the use of Input Model and Layouts in the most efficient manner? Thank you in advance, Lucy MM