Can I use Regular expression to identify whether or not 2 different segments source has the same translation

Hi, I would perform a Regex under QA Checker 3.0\Regular expression to check if two different segments source text has the same translation or not, the translation is done from fr-CA to en-CA, is that possible?

Parents Reply
  • Dear Paul

    Studio can only check inconsistency in target. And it will NOT report such errors (which is a pity - it should be possible to ignore things like punctuation marks, tags with spaces and similar):

    English German
    This is a car Das ist ein Auto
    This is a car. Das ist ein Fahrzeug.
    This is a car.<tag> Das ist ein Auto.<tag>
    This is a car. <tag> Das ist ein Fahrzeug. <tag>

    ErrorSpy will report these as inconsistent, while Studio won't. I am quite certain Xbench would do that too.

    And Studio won't report that, while Xbench will:

    English German
    This is a car. Das ist ein Auto.
    This is a vehicle. Das ist ein Auto.
    This is an airplane. Das ist ein Auto.

    Best regards



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